Prawnik wyjaśnia zagadnienia prawne: Attorney


In Poland, an attorney can refer to two main legal professions: adwokat (advocate) and radca prawny (attorney at law). Both are licensed legal professionals who can represent clients in legal matters, although there are some differences in their roles and rights.

1. Adwokat (Advocate)

An adwokat is a legal professional who provides comprehensive legal services, including:

  • Representing clients in criminal, civil, and family law cases,
  • Offering legal advice and drafting legal documents,
  • Defending clients in criminal trials,
  • Representing individuals and businesses in courts and administrative bodies.

The title „adwokat” in Poland is protected by law, and only individuals who pass the required legal exams and are admitted to the Polish Bar Association can practice as advocates.

2. Radca prawny (Attorney-at-Law)

A radca prawny is a legal professional who offers similar services to an advocate, but traditionally focused more on:

  • Commercial law and providing legal services to businesses,
  • Civil law, including drafting contracts, offering legal advice, and representing clients in civil disputes.

Historically, radcowie prawni could not represent clients in criminal cases, but this restriction was lifted in 2015. Now, both adwokaci and radcowie prawni have almost the same rights in most legal matters.

Differences between Adwokat and Radca Prawny

  • Historical roles: Adwokat was traditionally seen as a specialist in criminal law and individual representation, while radca prawny focused more on commercial law and advising companies.
  • Employment: Radcowie prawni can work as in-house lawyers (in companies), while adwokaci cannot. Adwokaci must practice independently or within law firms.

Becoming an Attorney in Poland

To become either an adwokat or radca prawny in Poland, one must:

  1. Complete a law degree (Master’s degree in Law),
  2. Complete an apprenticeship (application or trainee program known as aplikacja adwokacka or aplikacja radcowska),
  3. Pass a professional exam,
  4. Be admitted to the appropriate legal body (Bar Association for adwokaci or the Chamber of Legal Counsels for radcowie prawni).

In Poland, an attorney can be either an adwokat or a radca prawny, both of whom are licensed to represent clients in legal matters, though they have slightly different historical roles. Both titles are regulated by professional organizations and require specific legal education, training, and examination.

STB Law Firm from Leszno employs attorney’s-at-law who are ready to handle your case.


Prawa konsumentów – prawnik

By radca prawny Sylwia Tylińska-Błachno

Kancelaria Prawna Leszno zajmuje się rozwiązywaniem sporów pomiędzy konsumentami a przedsiębiorcami. Realizujemy w imieniu klientów uprawnienia wynikające z prawa konsumentów, a także przepisów o ochronie konkurencji i konsumentów (naruszenia zbiorowych praw konsumentów).